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Research Opportunity

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Home Education Experiences of Intellectually Gifted Children and their Families

Researchers at Griffith University are exploring the home education experiences of intellectually gifted young people and their families. The specific aims of this project are to understand the reasons why homeschooling is sometimes chosen for educating intellectually gifted children, rather than traditional schooling systems. Parents and caregivers, and their currently homeschooled intellectually gifted child (aged between 5 years to 18 years) are invited to participate. Children can be nominated by their parent/caregiver or can self-nominate via their parent/caregiver for participation.

Benefits of this research may include gains in knowledge, insight and understanding about homeschooling practices, and why these may be chosen rather than traditional schooling

systems, for educating intellectually gifted learners.

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Participation will include an online interview with you and your child, the sharing of background information about your child’s gifted assessment/s, and educational

experiences and achievements with homeschooling.

Eligible child participants need to have confirmation of intellectual giftedness, which

is evidence of a score at or above the 90th percentile on any of the following IQ tests:

• Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Australian Standardisation

• Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence – Australian Standardisation

• Stanford-Binet

• Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children

• Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test

• Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities

• Differential Abilities Scale

• Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test

• Raven’s Progressive Matrices

This research has ethical approval (GU ref no: 2022/475)

Confidentiality will be strictly maintained at all times. All data collected will be anonymised. Participation in this project is completely voluntary. Please be aware of the potential dangers

of accidental public exposure when commenting and interacting on social media, and as such, potential participants should be mindful of maintaining their own privacy and the privacy of others.

This research is supported by a Mensa Australia Richard Johns Research Grant.

For inquiries and further information please contact the Lead Researcher, Dr Michelle

Ronksley-Pavia via email:

Privacy Statement: The conduct of this research will involve the collection, access and/ or use of your identified personal information. Any information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties, except to meet government, legal or other regulatory authority requirements. Your anonymity will at all times be safeguarded.

For further information consult the University’s Privacy Plan at or telephone (07) 373 54375.

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