Kits will be provided.

Kits will be provided.

The light and your letter will be sent to a child overseas living in energy poverty.

Kits will be provided.
Build a solar light together to be sent to a child overseas living in energy poverty. The HEA are providing the light kits at a cost of $35/each. Donations welcome, but not necessary.
Solar Buddy Workshop!

Molymod kits provided for the session.

Molymod kits provided for the session.

Molymod kits provided for the session.
Biochemistry Literacy for Kids Workshop
In this interactive science learning presentation, Dr. Daniel Fried, a scientist and teacher from New York, will remotely guide students in the use of hand held molecular models and his Biochemistry Literacy curriculum. Students will learn how to assemble flavour molecules, medicines, and the class will work together to assemble a giant plastic polymer molecule! This is a great introduction to chemistry, but also wonderful for more experienced science learners because they will be learning in a unique visual and tactile way. For more information on the program, check out the project website: https://biochemistryliteracyforkids.com/

Damon McDonald will be speaking to the adults about his work "I AM Awesome".
Knowing who you are now and who you want to become forms a clarity only after understanding what shaped you in the first place. Values and principles are the niche focus of the Iam Awesome Movement for creating Awesome kids.
IAM Awesome!

Materials are provided.

Materials are provided

Materials are provided

Materials are provided.
Crafts, Activities, Card-making!
Kids will have an opportunity to make a card or gift
for Father's Day. We realise that not everyone has a
dad in their life, so the focus will be on making a card
or gift for a special adult.
Other activities and craft will also be available if the
child does not want to make a card/gift.

We had a GREAT Brisbane Family Fun Day!
Thank you for all the families who came and participated.