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Writer's pictureHEA Committee

Monkey See Monkey Do

01 Jun 2022 b kinder foundation

You only have to turn on the TV to see why the mental health of our youth is suffering. If our politicians, the leaders of our state and country talk to each other with such contempt and disgust, how can we expect our children to talk nicely to each other?

Reality TV continually broadcasts people manipulating situations, using and abusing each other, all the while talking with disgust to achieve something for their own benefit. With the backstabbing, cast member brawls, and tear-filled confessionals, the majority of reality TV isn’t exactly known for its ethics or for showing kindness to others. Social media platforms portray a false sense of reality and are glamourised by users and influencers. This is having a hugely negative effect on users’ mental health.

So why then are we in a society that chooses to watch these shows and interact with these social media platforms that depict such a bullying culture? To quote Lisa Curry “Be careful who you follow on Instagram. Be careful who you aspire to be. Because not everything is as it seems on social media. The world at the moment is a funny place. Humans are ruining humankind. We need to be kind to people, we need to know that every second person is struggling in some way.”

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I am impressed. I don't think Ive met anyone who knows as much about this subject as you do. You are truly well informed and very intelligent. You wrote something that people could understand and made the subject intriguing for everyone. Really, great blog you have got here. giftcardmall/mygift

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The portrayal of negativity and manipulation in reality TV and social media is indeed troubling, especially when considering the mental health impact on today’s youth. It’s crucial for us to be more conscious of the media we consume and promote a culture of kindness. The way we use technology can play a huge role in changing this narrative. Whether it's through broadcasting solutions that share positive, educational content, or integrating interactive screens for classrooms to foster learning and connection, I use the right tools to create a more favorable and healthy environment for the next generation.

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