Building emotional intelligence through music

Tuned In Kids is the next generation program for kids, developed by us, Yanai Morris and Dassana. We are partners in life as well as business, currently living and working on Wurundjeri country in suburban outer eastern Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. We are parents, step-parents and grandparents.
We share a passion for music, and for personal development, a growth mindset approach to living and being part of the solution for the challenges facing our kids and families. We both experienced challenges in our childhood and early adult life. This led to us engaging in personal development and healthy living programs in search of a healthier approach to life. In fact, this is how we met. Continuing to explore and research how to be the best version of ourselves, and be part of what this world needs is important to us. Tuned In Kids is our expression of this lifelong growth journey. We are here to make a real difference in the lives of children, and what they bring to the world which we all share. We are also here to support parents in their hugely important role. Tuned In Kids was created to be the kind of experience we both wish we’d had growing up.