8th September, 2021
Josh Brown Josh Brown is Assistant Principal of approximately three hundred Year 7 to 9 students at Northern Bay, a large multi-campus high school in Victoria. Josh strongly believes that it is part of the role of an educator to ensure that students have a real life understanding of how to manage money. The importance placed on financial education is replicated by the students, “As part of our commitment to developing student agency, we surveyed the students to gauge their perspective on learning financial literacy at school. They unanimously wanted to learn how to manage – and how to make money!”
The capacity to handle one's finances properly may be greatly impacted by financial literacy, which makes financial education imperative in the fast-paced world of today. I have direct experience as an assignment writer with the positive effects that a solid financial literacy base may have on students' academic and career success. Long-term objectives like retirement and house ownership are also planned for, and debt traps are avoided. Curricula in schools should include financial education to make sure that students acquire these vital skills at a young age.