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Student ID cards for home educated students

Did you know that the HEA provides Student Photo ID cards to members for free?

These are not official public transportation cards, but a basic laminated photo card identifying the student as a member of the Home Education Association. In addition to the student's photo, the card has their member number, an expiry date, date of birth, and student's signature.

Often these help student's with air travel, ticketed events, movie-entry and similar.

If you are a member and your child(ren) needs a photo ID card, here's how to get one:

  • First get your documents together: You will need to upload in separate jpegs the following for each child, including a signed Statutory Declaration 1. Photo (jpeg, high resolution): recent photograph similar looking to a Passport style - light, solid background - please don't send a photo of a photo 2. Student's signature on white paper (jpeg) separate to the headshot photo 3. Copy of student's birth certificate (pdf or jpeg) or photocopy of passport page 4. Signed Statutory Declaration (pdf or jpeg)

  • Then upload your documents:

Go to the Member Shop - Student ID Card:

Ruth, our HEA Secretary will then make the ID card and post it to you, so make sure you have included your mailing address in the upload portal-form.

There are times though, when you may need a government ID card for your home educated student. The options depend on where you live - here's the summary:


The ACT Government now has a pathway for home educated students to get a government student ID card.

The cards are available for all children registered for home education aged 12 years and over. The card is a plastic ID card similar to those offered to students enrolled in ACT public secondary schools.

These cards will be issued at no cost to families. They are not compulsory and children are still able to use their registration certificates for identification purposes if preferred.

Application process

Email with the following information for each child:

  • Full name

  • DOB

  • A colour photo of child

    • digital quality picture with white background

    • jpeg format

    • portrait orientation clearly showing the child's face from shoulders up

Please note cards will be printed at the end of each month.

Photo confirmation sessions

Once you application is received, you will be invited to a drop-in session via video conference so a member of the Directorate team can sight your child/ren to confirm their identity photo.

If you have any questions, please contact the home education team via email at or via phone on 6205 5429 (option 5)


For a Transport Concession Entitlement Card complete the home-schooled students application form.

Applications must be accompanied by

  • proof of identity

  • proof of age

  • your Certificate of Registration for Homeschooling issued by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)

You can find more detailed instructions, and a copy of the application form here​​

For more information, go here


HEU Identification Card

What is it? A photographic identification card used to show a child is registered for home education.

Who is eligible? Any child who is fully registered (ID cards are not available to provisionally registered children).

Transport Concession Fares: The Department of Transport and Main Roads determine concessions. Children aged 5 to 14 years fall under the child concession category. Students aged 15 years or older are eligible for a concession fare and will need to show the HEU ID card when purchasing tickets.

How to request an ID card:

  • Email an electronic passport style current photograph of your child (blank background, head and shoulders, facing forward) to the HEU: Unlike passport photos, smiles are permitted.

  • Please include the following statement in your request email: This is a current photo of my child (full name). His/her birthday is (date); and our current postal address is (number, street, town/suburb, postcode).


In South Australia you can obtain a Student ID card from the school you enrolled in during your home education registration process.

Accompanied children under 5 years of age travel free at all times on public transport.

Students are entitled to concession rates on public transport but must carry approved student identification cards.

Students with disabilities may be eligible to travel free on public transport eg with a mobility pass or vision impairment travel pass.

Use the public transport concession tool to check if you're eligible and find out how to apply or phone Adelaide Metro on 1800 667 110 for more information.


Registered home educated students are issued with an ID card from the Office of the Education Registrar once they are fully registered (ie not during provisional registration). If they require a photo ID, this can be sourced from any Service Tasmania outlet for a fee - currently $29.

"From the age of 16 until the end of the year in which they turn 18, students can

  • access the child student fare as long as they are still studying full-time (600+ hours per year), and

  • are enrolled in an education facility recognised by the Department of Education.

These students may be asked to present student identification to access the child student fare."


Victorian Student Pass

If you're home-schooled you can apply for a VSP and a PTV School Student ID, you need to:

  • complete the PTV School Student ID application form (excluding the School Declaration and Student Passes sections)

  • enclose a photocopy of your current Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority home schooling notification letter

  • enclose a cheque made out to Public Transport Victoria for the cost of the VSP and $9 for the PTV ID.

Send your application to:

Home School PTV School Student ID applications PTV Hub PO BOX 4724 MELBOURNE VIC 3001

A valid VSP and PTV School Student ID will be posted to you.

For application forms and more information go to Public Transport Victoria


Student travel permits - SmartRider cards

Students registered for home education are eligible for student travel permits (known as a 'SmartRider' card) which provide student concessions on public transport. These permits are made available by the Department of Transport. Go to the Transperth Information Website to order your child's Student SmartRider card. You will need to provide student information and a copy of your letter from the education department showing that your child is a registered homeschool student. A fee of $5.00 is made for the purchase of the card.


At the time of writing, no information was available for NT. The HEA is contacting the NT government to ask about a pathway to get a Student ID card in order to access student travel concessions. Part of the HEA's mission is to promote educational equity for home educated students, and we have seen travel concession and student cards become available in NSW and the ACT as a direct result of the HEA's work in the past. When you join the HEA, you are supporting this important work which benefits all home educators.

Australian Home Educators - Stronger Together.


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