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Please Donate $5 - Flood Relief for Homeschooling Families

The HEA now has nearly 1400 member families. If we each donated $5+ we could immediately reach our $7000 Target and help those in our home educating community in current need.

Just $5 - on par with a cup of coffee out.

Australian Floods Relief - Help Homeschooling Families
Tax-Deductible Donation

If you, or another homeschooling family you know, are in need due to flooding please email us at to start the application for assistance.


Damaged homes and belongings.

Homes and Education supplies damaged.

The HEA is aware of homeschooling families who have lost a lot in the floods: damaged homes and books, games and other educational materials ruined.

Many families will need to start again with their children's learning supplies.

What are we doing about it?

The HEA intends to start out by giving an initial grant of $200 to homeschooling families who are in necessitous circumstances and have been impacted by the recent floods.

The money is to help these families replace lost and damaged educational supplies. Depending on how much is raised and how many families are in immediate need, any additional funds will be used to provide additional support to those in greatest need or carried over in the public fund for future use.

Please give generously and share this campaign -

The HEA is a not-for-profit incorporated association with charitable DGR status. One of our Objects is:

  • 2.7. To establish and maintain a public fund which can receive gifts of money or property for the specific purpose of providing assistance to home educators in necessitous circumstances.

This means we can raise money to help Australian home educating families in need. The HEA Board will determine recipients of the funds based on information provided during the application process.

If you, or another homeschooling family you know, are in need due to flooding please email us at to start the application for assistance.

Your Donation is Tax-Deductible

You will receive a tax-receipt from when you donate because the HEA is registered as a Charity with the ACNC.

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